Saturday, November 8, 2014

Sketchbook Post 18

Oh hai.  Look at me posting a week late.
Yeah, I might change this to a bi-weekly thing.  I have more hours at work, so I'm usually feeling drained at the end of the day and not in the mood to sketch/scan my sketches.  Alas, 'tis the plight of pretending like I'm an actual adult now.

Now take a look at my many draws that have accumulated over the past couple weeks...which I have made no effort to organize.

Snidena screaming some more.

Claudia got a new, slightly different hat.  Because I'm actually looking at grunge style cloths now to base her outfit on.  I'm so bad at making up outfits.  You don't even.

"Get back here, little guy."

I attempt to make something look cute.

Why she wares a hat.

Oh look, I'm trying to figure out a new character.




Close enough.


Mr. Scald has his sexy face on.

I attempt to make something cute again.  Look at those widdle braces...for only two teeth.  Whatever.  It's a cartoon.  Logic needn't apply.

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